David Fall David Fall

Estate Planning for All

Estate planning is crucial for anyone, especially if you have a family. I have heard dozens and dozens of stories from people who recently lost a loved one who had no estate plan and now the survivors are left to figure out how to handle the departed’s property and debts. It can be easy to postpone these types of decisions. No one wants to think about their death, but we should. People depend on us. We need to help them and prepare them for when we are no longer alive to help them ourselves.

Most people do not need a complex estate plan. Unfortunately, this leads many people to believe that they do not even need something as basic as a will. Everyone should have a will, even for a simple estate. A will can save your heirs a lot of time and money should they have to probate your estate through the courts. Other estate planning documents, such as a trust, durable power of attorney, health care surrogate, or declaration naming preneed guardian, can be exceptionally useful, depending on your circumstances.

Please give me a call and let’s discuss your goals and options.

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