Areas of Practice

Estate Planning

Estate planning involves preparing documents, such as a will, trust, power of attorney, or designation of health care surrogate, and can include a strategy, such as tax avoidance or avoiding probate, for the maintenance and disposition of your person and property. Whether your purpose is to devise your property to your heirs with a will or create a complex, multi-generational trust, I can help you strategize and create the best way to convey your property.

Special Needs Planning

There are many things we need to do to prepare our special needs children for the future. As a father of three autistic sons, I know the complexity of the journey. Whether it’s helping you create and maintain an ABLE account or prepare a first-party or third-party special needs trust, I can help you along that journey.


Probate is the court process by which a deceased person’s property (their “estate”) is transferred to their heirs. Many types of property can be transferred to heirs without going through probate but sometimes people do not create a will or trust or take steps to avoid probate and their heirs have to go to court to obtain the authority to transfer title to the deceased person’s property. The court appoints a personal representative for the estate and supervises the process by which the personal representative distributes the property of the deceased.


Guardianship is the court process by which someone is given the legal authority to make legal decisions for another person who lacks the mental capacity to exercise sufficient control of their own person or property. The court appoints a guardian for the incapacitated person and supervises the guardianship process for the life of the ward or until the guardianship is terminated.

Medicaid Planning

It is sometimes necessary to rearrange the assets and divert the income of a loved one who is seeking to apply for Medicaid benefits. I have extensive knowledge and years of experience creating Medicaid plans for a variety of individuals. When every day matters, do not hesitate to meet with a professional and determine the most advantageous way to qualify your loved on for these crucial government benefits.

Trust Administration

If you suddenly find yourself the trustee of a trust and have no idea how to actually manage the trust in compliance with the trust agreement itself and the Florida Trust Code, please contact me and we can interpret the trust together. I can tell you your rights and obligations and walk with you through the trust administration process.